The Gibbon Conservation Society (GCS) relies mainly on public donations and support to keep our projects running. As it has with so many others, the COVID-19 crisis in Malaysia have made it incredibly difficult for us to gather funds for our main project, the Gibbon Rehabilitation Project since 2020. With more gibbons in need of rescuing, we are working to create self sustained income, but we still need your support while we get there. See how you can support us below:
Support our operational funds
Keep GCS and our projects running. Our estimated monthly operational funds are RM 17 000.00. This includes day-to-day care for the gibbons and guard dogs, salaries, centre rental, maintenance and more.
Support our 2nd Rehabilitation Project
We’re expanding! We have just launched the Borneo Gibbon Rehabilitation Project. Support our efforts to conserve and protect the gibbons of Sabah and Sarawak.
Help us reach a goal
We’re always aiming to do better and improve our facilities. Your donations will also help us grow and expand the project. Help us achieve some of the goals for the near future.

There are many ways you can support us!
Direct Donation
Maybank (Petaling Jaya Section 14)
Account Name: Gibbon Conservation Society
Account Number: 562339408187
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL
Donate via Crowdfunding Platform
Support one of our fundraisers on these platforms:
Symbolically Adopt a Gibbon

Pledge to support one or more of our gibbons monthly via Patreon or do a one time adoption (via bank transfer):
You’ll get a personalised certificate and a signed photo of your gibbon!
Buy our Merchandise

Shop local merchandise here:
Shop for other exclusive designs on online platforms:
Choose something from our Wish-list
Sponsor a needed item or give it as an in-kind donation.
(Some) Pre-loved items are great too!
- Vitamin Supplement for gibbons
- Dog food - kibbles
- Dog food - treats
- Animal Weighing scale
- Ladder
- Laptop / Computer
- Rechargeable batteries
- Vehicle
- Freezer
- Storage boxes
- Standing Fan
- Water filter
- Walkie-talkie Set
- Water jet
- CCTV Set
- and more...
The list above are examples of what we need. Please contact us via email at to discuss before you purchase anything.
Corporate Sponsorship
Let’s create a positive impact together! We can conduct team building programs for your team and their families, co-produce merchandise and more. We’d be happy to discuss a custom tailored partnership with you.
Chat with us. Send us an email at to find our more!

Start a Fundraiser

Fundraise for us in your school or community. Fundraise online or in-person. It’s up to you! Your creative ideas and efforts can help save gibbons!
Contact us at to discuss ideas!
If you can’t support us financially, you can Get Involved
Currently, GCS does not have tax exemption status because in 2020 we rebranded from Gibbon Protection Society Malaysia (GPSM) to Gibbon Conservation Society. In order to qualify for tax exemption, a society needs to be running for at least 2 years. As we have just reached the minimum requirement we have started working on the application. We’ll be sure to update you!
Yes, you can! Send us an email with your transfer receipt or proof of payment and our treasurer will issue a receipt for you.
Send it to