How to join?
- Pick your favourite gibbon species (List here)
- Post a video of yourself singing like that gibbon
- Challenge at least 3 friends and a celebrity (esp singers!) to do the same
- Use the hashtag #SingLikeAGibbon
- Tag Gibbon Conservation Society on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok (@gibbonconservationsociety or @gibbonsociety) and Teman Primata on Instagram (@temanprimata)
Additional hashtags include #gibbonconservationsociety #temanprimata #InternationalGibbonDay #iucnssa #PrimatesAreNotPets
Challenge Billie Eilish – who better to sing like a gibbon, than one of the biggest singers of our generation!
Challenge Mark Hamill to sing like a Skywalker Gibbon. – did you know there’s a species named after his Star Wars character!
or challenge any of your favourite celebrities (singers, actors, influencers, anyone) and ask them to use their voices to help these endangered apes.
Why join?
Gibbons are the only singing primates in the world yet so few of us have ever heard their song. If we don’t do something for them now, we many never have the opportunity to hear them again as all 20 species of gibbons are endangered or worse.
Those who know them and work with them have given them the nickname ‘the forgotten apes‘ but we don’t want them to stay forgotten. Species that are more famous or popular (i.e. tigers, orangutans) receive more conservation attention – whether it’s awareness to stop their exploitation or funding to the projects that work to save them. Species that aren’t as popular, just don’t as much care and effort as they deserve.
It is our goal through this campaign to make them famous. Famous enough that more people will want to save them and organisations like ours get the help we need to keep these animals from going extinct.
We need your help to do this, YOU can help make these amazing primates famous and be the voice that demands that governments, organisations and people in power play their part in protecting these animals. Join the challenge, make it viral and help us make gibbons famous.
Many gibbon species are the victims of the illegal wildlife pet trade. People buy them because they are cute and so similar to humans but gibbons suffer greatly when they are kept as pets. To get one baby gibbon, poachers will kill the entire gibbon family. If you think that sounds bad, it is only the tip of the iceberg.
Learn more about why gibbons are endangered and why it’s bad to keep them as pets.
What else you can do for gibbons
Share more awareness about them. make sure your friends and family know that it’s wrong to keep them as pets.
Support your favourite gibbon conservation organisation. Organisations like ours need funding, volunteers and more opportunities to collaborate to keep making a difference.
Report negative social media videos to platforms and authorities. There is a lot of animal content on social media that isn’t ok. Identify what is wrong and report it to relevant government organisations, ngos and even the social media platforms.

This project is a colloboration between Gibbon Conservation Society and Teman Primata (from Indonesia).