President | Founder | Director
Mariani Ramli a.k.a. Bam Arrogancia founded the Malaya Gibbon Rehabilitation Project (Malaya GReP) in 2013 and the society called the Gibbon Conservation Society (GCS) after learning about the plight of the endangered gibbons and other primates in Malaysia.
She has a degree in animal biology, was a wildlife ranger with the Malaysian Wildlife Department for more than 10 years, has worked as a project coordinator and researcher for the Copenhagen Zoo, studying flat headed cats, and she has studied gibbon rehab from international organisations such as Phnam Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre in Cambodia and Gibbon Rehabilitation Project in Thailand.
Qualifications and Accomplishments
- Only Malaysian member of the IUCN Section on Small Apes Captive Care Group – a group that specialises in gibbons and gibbon rehabilitation.
- Chosen as one of the Top 5 Women in Leadership in Environmental Sustainability in 2017
- Awarded the American Society of Primatologist 2018 Conservationist Award
- Declared as Malaysia’s Eco Champion by Jane Goodall and Roots and Shoots.
- Awarded the Edge Inspiring Young Leaders Award in 2019
- Runner Up for the McKenna-Travers Award in 2021
- Awarded the Star Golden Hearts Award in 2022.
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